Lyssa Mudd Archive

Episode 21: Battlefields at Home

This episode first aired in August 2003. Here’s how we described it at the time: With so much focus on conflict in Iraq, and Afghanistan, and now Liberia, it’s easy to overlook the battles we

Episode 12: Caught on Tape

This episode first aired in October 2002 and it is by far one of our favorites.  The show won a Silver Reel from the National Federation of Community Broadcasters – quite an honor. Please

Episode 11: Transportation

On this episode of B-Side from September 2002, we bring you stories about transportation and the sometimes unusual ways we get from place to place.  We’re calling this one: You are What You Drive.

Episode 09: Pets

This show originally aired in June 2002.  The theme was “pets” though in reality this should have been called the “dead pets” show.  It includes some B-Side classics and some really touching stories about

Episode 08: All Over the Map

It seems after 7 months of producing B-Side, we were ready for a break.  This episode of B-Side pulls together some of our favorite stories from past shows. It first aired in June 2002.

Episode 07: Memories

On this blast from the past edition of B-Side, we explore memory – what sparks it, how it works, and what happens when it breaks down.  This show originally aired on KALX in Berkeley

Episode 04: The Way Things Work

On this way back archive edition of B-Side we take a look at the way things work, everything from vacuum cleaner repair to broken parking meters. We’ll also get a lesson in dumpster diving